Hi World Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi world in this first thread let me to introduce myself, first of all i want to tell about my name and my family, my full name is Gilang Nauval Firdaus but my family and my friend usually call me Gilang. My name contains the meaning in every the single word, in bahasa Gilang has meaning brilliant, bright and shining, Nauval and Firdaus origin from arabic Nauval has meaning generous youth and the meaaning of Firdaus is the name of the highest heaven so, Gilang Nauval Firdaus could be interpreted a brilliant and generous young man who will achieve the highest heaven. I was the eldest child of a housewife who opened a shop selling daily needs and a father who worked as a teacher in junior high school. I have three younger siblings who are all male. two of them have been in school, one in junior high school level and the second at the first grade elementary school level. and the youngest one year old a few months.

ok next i want to tell and describe about my origin, i am a citizen from an island nation with the largest Muslim population and local culture in the world, can you guest it from where i am? ya i'm from Indonesian.
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Indoseia, Shaped Hidden paradise islands right across the planet's equator is flanked by two oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and the Pacific as well as the two continents, Asia and Australia.
This country is like a paradise because here there is a good range of diversity and beauty of the natural and cultural life that can not be found in any corner of the planet.
in the country I'm proud of this, I live in the province of West Java province is located on the island of Java, one of the major islands of the few large islands located in Indonesia. Talking about the city of origin, I was born and grew up in the city karawang, a city known by the nickname national granary because of the many rice fields that lie in this town, but not only that karawang also well-known by the nickname of the industry because many factories were built in the city , There are two international scale industrial areas, namely KIIC and Surya Cipta.

Hasil gambar untuk tugu padi karawang

not only that, karawang has some interesting sights, if you are interested in history, you can visit the museum tragedy rawagede and monuments determination Rengasdengklok located in karawang the west and north, it feels incomplete if only traveled but did not feel the typical food regions that we visit. near the monument determination Rengasdengklok there are stalls selling cakes sorabi distinctive green karawang, if you do not know how to form a cake surabi imagine pancake but is smaller in size and green, if the pancakes eaten with syrup Mapple, sorabi eaten with a sauce of brown sugar with slices jackfruit there is even a special sauce with mixed fruit durian in it. if eating cake sorabi is less filling, maybe you should try the heavy foods such as various kinds of pepes typical karawang, these foods can be met in several tourist attractions such as mountain Sanggabuana lodges in karawang south, dam Walahar in Karawang east along the coast fern in karawang north.
if the description of my hometown is less complete, try watching the video below:

continued discussing about myself, precisely to discuss my abilities, talents in the field of what I could do, and any awards that I've achieved to date. I am gifted in reading and memorizing the quran verses, I was proficient in operating electronic devices, especially computers and know about the world of information and technology. on achievements and any awards that I have ever, I am very interested and has received several awards in Scouting when in elementary school through high school.
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name, family, hometown and abilities that had been discussed, the last I want to tell some of my hobbies enjoy doing. The first in sports, I was very pleased with the water, swimming is the most enjoyable sports activities for me than it is to play badminton, cycling and jogging else I liked. other hobbies are reading and browsing the Internet, because without realizing my knowledge and knowledge is increasing as often I interact with the virtual world. the last one was watching, I was a movie fan since attending high school until now, because by watching a lot of real information we can take from the plot in the film.

Hasil gambar untuk watching movies

in the next post I will tell you the latest daily activities that I do, so just wait patiently for my next post!!! and see yaa from from #student City.


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